Research methods

  • Mix-methods
  • Quantitative
  • Ethnographic
  • Qualitative
  • Desk Search

Mix-methods allow you to get a comprehensive result by combining the capabilities of various types and methods of marketing research.

Mix-methods are designed to describe not only the overall statistical picture, but also to study opinions, motivation, perceptions and other characteristics.

  • What are the features of mix-methods?

    There are two approaches to data collection in marketing: qualitative and quantitative. While the qualitative research allows you to better understand the experience of respondents, learn unique information from each individual person, and the quantitative research is designed to draw conclusions about people as a whole, the mix-methods combine the strengths of both areas.

  • When is it appropriate to use mix-methods?

    In cases where you need to obtain data that contains both quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

    For example, when we have a task to test a product, design, name, to determine the optimal product characteristics.

    In our practice, we often face with situations when the elements of quantitative methods are included during a qualitative survey and vice versa.

    The possibilities of modern marketing research are almost unlimited, the main thing is to correctly diagnose the client’s tasks and understand how the research results going to be use.

  • What are the mix-methods?

    The most well-known of mix-methods are Hall Tests, Home Tests and Mystery Shopping.

    In addition, the Online Communities are gaining popularity as well.


  • How is the Hall Test carried out?

    The purpose of the Hall Test is testing of the product, its packing, advertising materials. The method makes it possible to obtain in the shortest possible time the information about advantages and disadvantages of the product under testing, its advantages as compared to the competitors, properties requiring correction.

    A significant advantage of the method is the possibility to evaluate not only visual information, but also auditory, olfactory, tactic, taste information as well as the combinations of them.

    Yasno Research & Consulting Group carries out the following types of testing:

    • Blind Test (without the brand revealing) and Open Test.
    • Evaluation testing (one product) and comparison testing (several similar products).
  • How is the Home Test carried out?

    The respondent Home Test is carried out to study the consumer attributes of the product under the conditions close to the real consumption.

    The method is efficient when testing new products because it allows the manufacturer to avoid mistakes when launching the product and to realize the efficient production, sales, and advertising programs.

    Most often, the method is used when testing FMCG (hygiene items, cosmetics, household chemicals, etc.).

  • How are the Online Communities / Bulletin Boards carried out?

    The respondent Home Test is carried out to study the consumer attributes of the product under the conditions close to the real consumption.

    The method is efficient when testing new products because it allows the manufacturer to avoid mistakes when launching the product and to realize the efficient production, sales, and advertising programs.

    Most often, the method is used when testing FMCG (hygiene items, cosmetics, household chemicals, etc.).


The major advantage of the quantitative methods of study is the possibility to cover a wide variety of respondents and to apply the data obtained with respect to all consumers and clients.

  • What problems do quantitative research methods solve?

    The most common tasks that can be solved using quantitative marketing research methods are:

    • brand health
    • brand loyalty assessment/NPS methodology
    • construction of ratings and anti-ratings, for example, to study the most significant factors of choice
    • determination of the optimal price
    • identification of segments of the target audience
    • studying the style and quality of life of the target audience, profiling
    • image perception of brands
    • search for an unoccupied market niche and many others.
  • What are the types of quantitative research?

    The face-to-face interviewing method is based on the interviewer’s direct communication with a respondent using the structured questionnaire. Using the face-to-face interviewing, it is possible to obtain large amounts of information with a high degree of accuracy. During the face-to-face interviewing, any images, adblocks, logos, and other materials can be shown to the respondent.

    Depending on the purposes of the study, Yasno Research & Consulting Group carries out interviewing:

    • at the respondent’s place of residence,
    • at the respondent’s place of business,
    • street interviewing,
    • point-of-sale interviewing,
    • during exhibitions, conferences, and other professional events.

    Yasno Research & Consulting Group specializes in conducting face-to-face surveys using a targeted sample, i.e. we interview respondents who meet the given parameters, for example, users of a certain service, highly specialized experts, buyers who have made their choice in the last 3-6 months, or those who are in a state of purchase.

    Telephone Interviewing (СATI). The method is intended to quickly receive information via the respondents telephone interviewing. The major advantages of the method – promptness of data acquisition and economic feasibility.

    Yasno Research & Consulting Group carries out telephone interviewing using the CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) technology thanks to which the reliability of the data obtained is increased eliminating the operator’s mistakes and the data are passed for processing by the analyst immediately after the latest interviewing. All operators work in the presence of the project manager and the field supervisor.

  • How is the quantitative research carried out?

    We conduct the quantitative research both online – when the respondent receives a link to fill out the questionnaire, and offline – when the survey is conducted during a personal meeting between the interviewer and the respondent.

    During a personal meeting of the respondent with the interviewer, the research is carried out using tablets.

    During the pandemic, the quantitative research is most often conducted online.

  • Where, in what cities are quantitative studies carried out?

    Depending on the objectives of the study, Yasno Research & Consulting Group conducts surveys throughout Ukraine and in other countries.

    Most often, the studies in Ukraine are conducted in regional centers and TOP-5 cities: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odessa, Lviv as well as in various settlements.


The ethnographic research is aimed at finding consumer insights that combine the interests of the consumer and the client.

Or in other words, the ethnography in marketing is the look into the future through the present.

  • What does the ethnographic research study?

    The emotions that arise in the consumer when he/she:

    • wants to receive a product
    • looking for a product
    • selects a product
    • buys a product

    Circumstances and places under which the product is consumed:

    • at home with family
    • at work with colleagues
    • on the go with friends
    • on vacation one on one
  • How is the ethnographic research carried out?

    Most often, the ethnographic research is conducted during a personal meeting with the respondent in the usual conditions of his/her life.

    During the researcher’s communication with the respondent, the circumstances of the consumption of the product/service are studied, the situation is analyzed, and the situation and the ways of consuming the product/service are discussed.

    In other words, we do not just ask when you drink juice, but also assess the real situation of consumption, often living it together with the respondent. Thus, products with which juice is consumed, atmosphere, meals, time of consumption, combination with other meals, etc. fall into the scope of analysis.

    In fact, the ethnographic research is based on three key “pillars”:

    1. Be in the moment. For these purposes, additional techniques are used such as, for example, mobile diaries. During mobile diaries, the respondents are given the task of photographing/video recording all situations in which the products are used – from the moment of an idea, the choice of a place of purchase, to the moment of consumption and disposal of packaging (under certain conditions).
    2. Be together. Being geographically with the respondent and living the situation with him/her.
    3. Be interested. The ethnographic research is always accompanied by a detailed in-depth interview, or a series of interviews divided into a number of stages.
  • What is Mobile Ethnography?

    The Mobile Ethnography is a type of the ethnographic research that is carried out remotely.

    During the Mobile Ethnography, the researchers get the opportunity to study the behavior of people living in different cities, and united by some one common task.

    The ethnographic observation takes place using a messenger or a special platform.

    For example, Telegram creates a personal and/or group chat with 4-20 respondents. Usually the project lasts from several hours to several weeks.

    During the chat, the respondents send photos, videos, share their impressions, describe their experience and answer questions from the moderator.

    Thus, the Mobile Ethnography allows you to learn/explore different aspects of consumer experience from the closest possible distance with the minimal impact on the respondent in very comfortable conditions, for several days.

  • What does the client receive as a result of the ethnographic research?
    • Photo materials – with an analytical explanation of how the product is “embedded” in the lives of consumers
    • A map of insights discovered at each stage of the consumer’s interaction with the product
    • Recommendations – what product will be interesting for consumers, how, where and with what emotions to interact with consumers.
  • When is it appropriate to conduct the ethnographic research?
    • you need to find a new niche in the market
    • the right impetus and ideas to create new products
    • a new brand/product is introduced to the market
    • understand the motives and behavior of a narrow group of people

The qualitative methods of studies allow to analyze the respondents’ behavior and motivation not only at the level of conscious reactions, but also to study the unconscious, non-verbal characteristics of consumer behavior.

  • What are the types of qualitative research?

    The most common qualitative research methods are Focus Groups, In-depth and Expert Interviews.

  • What are the characteristics of Focus Group discussions?

    Using the Focus Groups, it is possible to understand which products and services are preferred by the representatives of the target audience and why this choice occurs. The Focus Groups are often involved when developing the communication strategy, positioning of a product or a service for various consumer segments.

    When conducting the Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviewing, Yasno Research & Consulting Group uses various psychological methods and projective techniques: association word, visual stimulus association, methods of completion of situation (completion of sentence, story, picture), expressive methods

    To generate new marketing ideas, concepts, the Creative Focus Groups are arranged in which the specially selected respondents participate. In the course of the Creative Focus Groups, role playing/psychodrama and other psychological methods are used allowing to detect the underlying motives and obstacles with regard to a product/service.

    When conducting the Creative Focus Groups, Yasno Research & Consulting Group uses a 3-step model of respondents selection:

    1. Street or telephone interviewing of the target audience respondents.
    2. The respondents testing for creativity.
    3. Pretesting of the respondent’s identity and his/her emotional state.
  • What are the features of In-depth and Expert Interviews?

    In the course of the In-Depth Interviewing, it is possible to obtain detailed information about the motives of the respondent’s behavior and his/her attitude to various matters. The method is used to study consumer behavior, to develop new products, to forecast consumer reaction to various marketing programs.

    Depending on the purposes of research, Yasno Research & Consulting Group carries out the following types of In-Depth Interviewing: Diads (two respondents) and Triads (three respondents) are carried out to interview small groups, e.g. family/married couple, working team, etc.

    The main feature of Expert Interviewing is the expertise and occupational status of a respondent who knows the specifics of the matter in question.

    The method allows to obtain information which is characteristic for a professional association and is used to obtain information relating to specific issues.

  • How is the UX research of websites, mobile applications carried out?

    During testing, the user friendliness, effectiveness (orientation rate), and satisfaction level are evaluated.

    In addition to the Internet users interviewing, Yasno Research & Consulting Group carries out extra expert interviewing in which the usability specialists participate that allows to obtain a complete idea of the product under testing and to eliminate possible mistakes.

  • Where is the qualitative research carried out?

    Depending on the objectives of the study, Yasno Research & Consulting Group conducts focus groups and in-depth interviews in Ukraine and other countries.

    Most often, the studies in Ukraine are conducted in regional centers and TOP-5 cities: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odessa, Lviv.

    Thanks to online technologies for conducting focus groups, in-depth and expert interviews, there are practically no geographical restrictions.

Desk Search

The Desk Search allows to carry out a preliminary analysis of a problem and to obtain the general idea of the current market situation at minimum expense.

Yasno Research & Consulting Group conducts the Desk Search for both Ukrainian and foreign customers.

  • How is the Desk Search carried out?

    The Desk Research or Desk Search is the collection and analytical processing of information previously obtained for other purposes, for example, in the course of previous studies, or information that is in the public domain (Internet resources, media, specialized publications, government statistics, forums, comments in social networks, etc.).

    The research consists of the following stages:

    1. Development of a detailed plan.
    2. Search and collection of information.
    3. Analytical processing of the obtained data.
    4. Visualization of data – in the form of tables, charts, graphs, figures.
    5. Preparation of conclusions and recommendations.
  • When is it appropriate to conduct the Desk Search?
    • studying the situation in a new market, for example, when a company plans to expand business areas
    • entering the market of a new product. The Desk Search is advised in the case of start-up projects
    • analysis of the competitive environment, price monitoring, analysis of competitor promotion strategies
    • monitoring the situation on the market in dynamics
    • analysis of trends and prospects for the development of the market. For example, the Desk Search provides a lot of information for companies that are looking for new opportunities. In this case, the situation is studied not only in the country of business development, but also in other countries.
    • access to export markets
  • What distinguishes Yasno Research & Consulting Group’s Desk Search?
    1. We do not work from scratch. The company has conducted a sufficient number of desk studies of industrial and consumer markets for both Ukrainian and foreign customers. We have a proven algorithm for collecting and analyzing information. These factors reduce the time spent on research.
    2. The database of Yasno Research & Consulting Group contains the researches relating to various markets:
      • Real Estate Market
      • Automotive Equipment
      • Construction Market
      • Agricultural Market
      • Food Market
      • Insurance Market
      • Industrial Goods Market
      • Gas Market
      • Medical Services Market and others.
    3. We conduct Desk Search on the markets of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, European countries and the USA.
    4. Our projects are distinguished by deep immersion in the situation under study, detailed and thorough analysis, constant cooperation with the client to correct the project strategy.
    5. To obtain more complete and reliable information, we recommend conducting the Desk Search together with the Expert Interviews. In this case, the data is confirmed/refuted and supplemented by an expert assessment of market players.
  • Are SWOT, PEST and other types of analysis used in the work?

    Depending on the specifics of the task and available information, Yasno Research & Consulting Group uses conceptual analysis models:

    • Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
    • SWOT Analysis
    • PEST Analysis and other methods

    The SWOT analysis is the method of analysis in strategic planning based on the study of the conditions of the external and internal environment of the company which allows you to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

    The SWOT analysis is used to solve the following tasks:

    • development/revision of the company strategy
    • choice from several strategic alternatives
    • decision to enter new markets
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